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Children corps - 2017/2018 - ongoing

The collection of oil paintings representing children , because they are the one who may bring the change. 

Little survivor

Little survivor

Little survivor - reflection in a train window. By Dagna Gmitrowicz, 2017, oil on canvas 100x120 cm. In the name of children who are not afraid of death even though they were born just a second ago.

Dessert - the message to you

Oil on canvas, 100x100 cm. By Dagna Gmitrowicz. She came to me with message to you - only you can decipher it...

Army of Children, Guardian

Dagna Gmitrowicz, Army of Children, Guardian, oil on canvas, 120x100cm, 2017, courtesy of the artist/ Copyright and Courtesy der Künstler

The child of Magic

The child of Magic, by Dagna Gmitrowicz, oil on canvas, 100x120 cm.

She - the wisdom

She - the wisdom. By Dagna Gmitrowicz. Oil on canvas, 80x70 cm.

The child with primordial power

The child with primordial power. By Dagna Gmitrowicz. Oil on canvas, 50x70 cm. Came to empower you:)


By Dagna Gmitrowicz. Oil on canvas, 80x70 cm.

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